Saturday, May 26, 2007

Worried about fertility? Try Zinc.

A recent scientific study has brought more proof of a link between taking Zinc and the improved production of sperm in the testicles. A carefully selected group of men took daily supplements of Folic Acid along with Zinc Sulphate to allow researchers to assess the effect they had on spermatogenesis. The findings of the researchers showed that the two substances significantly boosted the concentration of sperm in subfertile men.

Even though not all of the mechanisms that are involved in the concentration of sperm are fully understood, and require further studying, it has become clear that taking a combination of Zinc and Folic Acid can help less fertile men to conceive children.

Any men who are interested in achieving the effects shown in this study should consider taking the supplements over a period of 26 weeks, (the same length of time as the research). The recommended daily doses taken in the study were 66 milligrams of Zinc Sulphate and of 5 milligrams Folic Acid. These amounts are safe, and not one of the men in the study has reported any adverse side effects.

It is considered safe to supplement your existing daily intake of vitamins and minerals with the amounts above, but you should still discuss the matter with your physician before starting.
It is important to gauge your progress through the program, and to do this, you should run a sperm test before starting and another at the end of the period to record any change in the concentration of your sperm.

Zinc is a key ingredient in the popular penis enlargement pills ProSolution, as well as semen volume booster pills VolumePills. The combination of these pills can help you to increase the size of your penis as well as producing more sperm. This is a boon to men who suffer from mild cases of infertility.

These pills also contain extracts of Reishi Mushrooms, Solidilin, Cordyceps, and Drilizen which improve the hormonal and vascular systems and boost the quantity of sperm produced by the testicles and the flow of blood to the pubic area.

If you are concerned about your fertility, consider trying VolumePills or ProSolution Pills. You won’t regret it!

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