Sunday, May 13, 2007

Penis Size and Male Dominance

There are many factors that determine who leads the pack in a group of males. In any group however, it soon becomes obvious who is the leader. Men are generally happy with an established hierarchy in a group situation, and the theory of association states that once a person becomes acquainted with someone who is a leader, they are happy to fall in behind them, and treat them as the head of the group.

A number of studies have suggested that men open about discussing the issue of their sexuality with their peers. Indeed it is rare for a man not to divulge his sexual activities with the rest of the group. The most private of men will happily join in with a discussion about sex when personal details are set aside.

Within a group situation, men are happy to talk about women they have had sexual encounters with. Within the group, men will compare their encounters, and subconsciously give respect to their leader in the discussion.

In such groups, with sex as the central topic of discussion, men will also discuss the relative size of their penises. The size of the penis is traditionally seen by men as the key to offering sexual satisfaction to women. Because of this, men will establish a hierarchy within the group, and the man with the largest penis size will be seen as the master.

This leader will become the dominant figure, and it is to him that the other members will turn for advice and suggestions regarding sex. In the field of sex, the man who boasts the largest penis size is admired by his peers, and this is why many men refer to their penis as their manhood. For women too, a man with a big penis will be able to offset any other inadequacies with technique. Within a given group of men, sex is an important issue that takes up a significant part of any conversation.

Under circumstances when a group of men engage in simultaneous sex, the man who boasts the largest penis will have the confidence to make the first move and create the impression that all other members of the group have a similar sized penis. Although on the surface, this may appear to be a disadvantage for less well-endowed men, they become identified with someone with a big penis. This offers a good impression to the women involved, and creates an opportunity for these men to experience some of the best sex of their lives.

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